
Interview with Erik Burnham, Writer of TMNT Baxter Stockman Micro-Series

IDW Publishing’s new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ongoing series has been firing on all cylinders and is a must read for any Turtles fan. Tom Waltz and Kevin Eastman are doing a great job of drawing from every Turtles universe to develop a rich, new timeline. One of the tools that IDW has used rather nicely is the Micro-Series (guest one-shots). Instead of telling a unique story that has nothing to do with the ongoing, they have used their guest one-shots to build on, and expand, the current Turtles universe. I recently had the opportunity to ask Erik Burnham  (Twitter @erikburnham), who wrote the Baxter Stockman Micro-Series issue, some questions about his experience.


Daredevil Legends Vol 3: The Man Without Fear, by Frank Miller & John Romita Jr

I love the Turtles and being that the original TMNT comic was a Daredevil parody, I felt I needed to get caught up on what was originally a major influence on Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird at the time. I’m not a fan of "superhero-y" comics which is why I think I enjoyed this book as much as I did. After reading a few of the essential 1964 Stan Lee issues, I jumped into the Frank Miller run head first with what are considered some of the best Daredevil stories ever.