
Interview with Tristan Jones, Writer of TMNT Infestation and the Gang Wars

IDW Publishing’s new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ongoing series has been firing on all cylinders and is a must read for any Turtles fan. Tom Waltz and Kevin Eastman are doing a great job of drawing from every Turtles universe to develop a rich, new timeline. But for some fans, the days of Mirage feel just like yesterday. What do you do when you get the opportunity to work your dream job at the age of 21? I recently had the opportunity to ask Tristan Jones (Twitter @TRexJones), who wrote the Gang Wars stories for Mirage and the Infestation issues more recently, some questions about his experience and life after the Turtles. Spoiler alert, life gets AWESOME!


Interview with Paul Allor, Writer of TMNT Fugitoid Micro-Series

IDW Publishing’s new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ongoing series has been firing on all cylinders and is a must read for any Turtles fan. Tom Waltz and Kevin Eastman are doing a great job of drawing from every Turtles universe to develop a rich, new timeline. One of the tools that IDW has used rather nicely is the Micro-Series (guest one-shots). Instead of telling a unique story that has nothing to do with the ongoing, they have used their guest one-shots to build on, and expand, the current Turtles universe. I recently had the opportunity to ask Paul Allor (Twitter @PaulAllor), who wrote the Fugitoid Micro-Series issue, some questions about his experience.