
TMNT Vol 3 Shadows of the Past, by Waltz, Eastman & Duncan

This is the fifth Return to the Sewers comparison piece following IDW’s new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles timeline and how it differs from the original Mirage timeline. These reviews will reference IDW’s TPBs as well as original issues that are being re-released by IDW in TPB format. IDW’s Shadows of the Past was released in September 2012 and collects issues 9 to 12 of this new series. IDW also released TMNT Classics Vol 1 and Vol 2 in August 2012 which contains issues 13, 16, 22 and 23 from the original series, and the Shell Shock stories. These reviews will also contain spoilers to the plot lines so ***SPOILER ALERT*** to everyone who wanted to read these issues first.


Interview with Erik Burnham, Writer of TMNT Splinter Micro-Series

IDW Publishing’s new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ongoing series has been firing on all cylinders and is a must read for any Turtles fan. Tom Waltz and Kevin Eastman are doing a great job of drawing from every Turtles universe to develop a rich, new timeline. One of the tools that IDW has used rather nicely is the Micro-Series (guest one-shots). Instead of telling a unique story that has nothing to do with the ongoing, they have used their guest one-shots to build on, and expand, the current Turtles universe. I recently had the opportunity to ask Erik Burnham (Twitter @erikburnham), who wrote the Splinter Micro-Series issue, some questions about his experience.